Shopware Dokumentation: Textbausteine
Deutsch (BASE de-DE)
Name | Wert |
drop-box-text | Drop your files here or |
drop-box-button | browse files |
drop-box-allowed-extensions | Erlaubte Dateitypen: |
drop-box-min | Min |
drop-box-max | Max |
upload-info-text | Bitte melden Sie sich zuerst an. Danach können Sie Ihre Daten hochladen. |
upload-info-button | Anmelden |
upload-list-pause | Pause |
upload-list-continue | Weiter |
upload-list-cancel | Abbrechen |
upload-fail-upload | Upload fehlgeschlagen |
upload-waiting-for-response | Bearbeitung... |
upload-paused | Upload wurde angehalten |
upload-retry | Wiederholen |
upload-deleting-status | Löschen... |
upload-deleting-failed | Löschen gescheitert |
cart-upload-warning | Laden Sie zuerst alle nötigen Dateien hoch |
product-detail-upload-info | Ihre Daten können Sie im Warenkorb übertragen. |
Englisch (BASE en-GB)
Name | Wert |
drop-box-text | Drop your files here or |
drop-box-button | browse files |
drop-box-allowed-extensions | Allowed file types: |
drop-box-min | Min |
drop-box-max | Max |
upload-info-text | Please log in first. You can then upload your data. |
upload-info-button | Login |
upload-list-pause | Pause |
upload-list-continue | Continue |
upload-list-cancel | Cancel |
upload-fail-upload | Upload failed |
upload-waiting-for-response | Processing... |
upload-paused | Upload stopped |
upload-retry | Retry |
upload-deleting-status | Deleting... |
upload-deleting-failed | Delete failed |
cart-upload-warning | upload all the necessary files |
product-detail-upload-info | You can transfer your data in the shopping cart. |
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